Agency Name

Basketfeminine represents their national team players. Information about champs, calendar of events, internet magazine.

Business Address
rue de Villers 3 Vinalmont Belgium 4520

The Basket Plus International (BPI) company’s activity : 100% of its activity is dedicated to women’s basketball. In particular, as the agent for players. The company was created in 1991 by François “Paco” Torres. Its Head Office is located in Auterrive (France). Certified FIBA Agent

Business Address
1 rue Traversiere AUTERRIVE FRANCE 32550
+33 562 058644
Elite Basketball Agents

Representing both male and female players and coaches, Elite Baskeball Agents is a certified FIBA agent.

This blog on Women playing Basketball in France provides you with all the information about what is happening in the world of women basketball players in France and what is happening to the French players abroad, who is involved in the happenings, where is the news happening, hen did it or is it going to happen.

Business Address
Wiesenstr. 1 Bad Bergzabern Germany 76887
Get a Play Agency
Agency Name

GET A PLAY! is an exciting, FIBA and WNBA certified sports management agency focused on professional women basketball.

Business Address
Inhaberin: Sieglinde Muth
Schlehdornweg 5
89079 Ulm
+49 7305 91 95 72
Business Fax
+49 7305 91 95 74